Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rough Renderings

We have created a rendering of the arm, excluding the gripper, 
to aid in the ordering of parts and serve as a discussion piece for conversations among our group.

Figure P2.1: Rendering of shoulder, elbow, and wrist joint positions
Shoulder and elbow joints will have the higher torque servos, HS-645MG
The wrist servos (rotation and tilt) and gripper servo will be lower torque motors, HSS-458HB

Figure P2.1: Rendering of joint design
This is the configuration of all of the joints displayed in the previous rendering.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Materials Order

Late last week we placed an order for parts for both the robotic arm and the sensor array.

This order included:
4.5 inch flex sensors from SparkFun Electronics 
Voltage dividers and sensor cables from Trossen Robotics 
Two different models of HiTech servos (varying in torque) and assorted servo brackets from RobotShop

The Engineering Design Lab also supplied us with a Pololu Micro Maestro 6-channel USB Servo Controller, the exact model that we had specified in our initial designs.

Below are the links to each component
HS-645MG Servo Motor
Lynxmotion Aluminium Servo Offset Axis Bracket
Lynxmotion Pan and Tilt Kit Servo Bracket
Lynxmotion Aluminum Multi-Purpose Servo Bracket
HS-485HB Servo Motor
Phidgets Voltage Divider
Phidgets 24 Inch Sensor Cable
Flex Sensor 4.5"
Pololu Micro Maestro 6-channel USB Servo Controller